Trampoline Safety & Accident Prevention

As in most recreational sports, participants may be injured. The following are common reasons why trampoline accidents happen:

Attempting Somersaults: Landing on the head or neck can cause serious injury, paralysis, or death, even when landing in the middle of the bed.
More than one person on the trampoline: Use by more than one person at the same time can result in serious injuries.
Hitting the frame: Jumpers should stay in the center of the trampoline when jumping. Injury may result from hitting the frame when control is lost. Do not jump directly onto the safety pad.
Incorrect transfer from trampolines to decking or platform areas: Improper transfer can result in broken ankles or other injuries. Walk from trampoline to decking areas.
Alcohol and drug use: Alcohol and drug use impair a jumper’s coordination, loss of control as well as injuries are greatly increased.
Inadequate skill level: Attempting skills above one’s ability may cause serious injury, paralysis, or death.
Foreign objects: Jumping with a foreign object can also increase the chances of getting injured. This includes keys, phones and cameras.

Our rules are subject to change!


Injury Rates in Trampoline Parks are lower than other common recreational activities.
The information and analysis below provides insight on injury rates of trampoline parks in comparison with common recreational activities. Bottom line, your risk of injury is less in a trampoline park than many other recreational activities!

Injuries on trampolines that result in a hospital visit or stay are lower than other common activities*
If you add up all the hospital visits throughout the country for the activities shown on the pie chart below, visits from trampoline injuries, including backyard trampolines and trampoline parks, make up just 3% of the total.

NEISS US Hospital Injury Data Correlated with Participation Rates
Comparing Hang Time Adventure’s injury rates with the following table is not exactly apples to apples, but it will give you a good idea about how injury rates are generally much higher in other common sports activities when compared with our trampoline park. We correlated participation rates from U.S. Census Bureau study that was conducted in 2009 with NEISS hospital injury data summary from 2012, and the results are similar to the injury rates published by the American Academy of Pediatrics Journal as stated above. Note that there are two injury rates, one for all injuries where the injured visited a hospital, and the second (last) column for those who were admitted to the hospital. Here are the results:–Statistics/NEISS-Injury-Data/
Comparing our injury rates with this data is like comparing apples to oranges. Generally, our minor injuries do not involve any hospital visit, so our overall injury rate of less than 2 injuries per thousand participants is very low when comparing to the first injury rate column (with yellow bars) where the injured visited a hospital for injuries with common recreational activities. And our major injury rate, which we define as injuries that require more than one doctor visit, do not necessarily involve hospitalization. Notwithstanding, our major injury rate of 0.07 compared with the hospitalization rate of other common activities (column in red on the far right) is still is very low.

Hang Time’s Safety Record**
The injury rate at Hang Time Adventure’s is less than 2 injuries per 1,000 participants. The most common injury are sprained ankles. Compared with other sports activities, Hang Time Adventure’s injury rate is very low.

We define major injuries as injuries that require more than one doctor visit. Our major injury rate is 0.07 injuries per 1,000 participants. Again, compared with other activities, this rate is very low. The severity of injuries in our park has been less than other recreational activities such as skiing, bicycling, skateboarding and ATVs. Some of the major injuries involved pre-existing conditions.

None of the injuries were concussions or involved paralysis.
None of the injuries were caused by faulty equipment or design.
Only two of the injuries involved participants under the age of 18.
**for the 12 month period ending in July, 2013

We hope that by disclosing these injury rates and comparing them with other common recreational activities, you will be better informed about the actual risks of participating at Hang Time Adventure trampoline park. While there is always a risk of injury inherent in recreational activities, the vast majority of our guests enjoy our facility without injury.

Trampoline Parks vs. Backyard Trampolines

Trampoline Parks are much safer than backyard trampolines for a number of reasons. These are some of the things that make trampoline parks different and safer than your typical backyard trampoline:

The pads, springs, mats and nets at indoor trampoline parks are not exposed to harmful UV rays like backyard trampolines. UV rays cause materials to deteriorate outdoors over time.
Trampolines are level to the ground at parks unlike backyard trampolines which are several feet off the ground which makes a fall more dangerous.
Trampoline park pads are thicker than backyard trampolines.
Trampoline Parks feature an additional protection layer between the pads and the springs, which help protect you from injury in case you slide under the pad.
There are no round trampolines in a trampoline park. Round backyard trampolines bounce you to the center which is dangerous.
Trampoline park equipment is constructed from higher quality materials than backyard trampolines.
The Hang Time Adventure activity areas are always under supervision by safety coaches compared to backyard trampoline parks which can be unsupervised.

Unique Safety Features at Hang Time Adventure

No bar between trampoline and pit is significantly safer.
300 lbs/square inch netting keeps participants and balls in arenas and protects participants from collisions in pits.
Our padding is just the right thickness to maximize safety.
Additional barrier under pads protect feet and legs from touching springs.
Our trained staff actively coach participants to jump safe and have fun.